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Hey Hey Hey! 

I'm Yzabelle Annika Padojinog, I prefer for people to call me Iji or Yzzy , I'm a 17 year old singer, song writer, barista, debater, philosopher, therapist, movie connoisseur, aghase, Prime Minister/Deputy Prime Minister ,Discord Queen, future capitalist, and a biologist/bleacherist on the side. [watch me]


I like to watch old films, listen to music, make and drink coffee, and watch adult cartoons or sitcoms. I tend to be extra and be a little adventurous, that's why I bleached my hair and do other activities that would entertain me and make life a little exciting. I do sports like boxing and basket ball. I'm a woman of taste, I like music from various genres but mostly the ones from the 80's-90's and music I could vibe with. â€‹

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